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So You Want to Teach Online ESL to Students in China: The Hours: Pros or Cons?

Updated: Oct 1, 2019

Been thinking about becoming an online ESL teacher, but wondering what it's all about? As with most things, the best way to make up your mind, is to list the pros and cons. The only issue with coming up with a pros and cons list, is that it's all subjective. There are so many different types of teachers, and they all have their own personal preferences. So, rather than taking a hard stance on pros and cons, I'll be writing a series of posts on individual topics which have been called pros by some, and cons by others. Today we'll talk about the teacher schedule, when teaching students in China.

“The only issue with coming up with a pros and cons list, is that it's all subjective. ”

The Hours:

It shouldn't be news to anyone that there is a time difference between certain regions of the world. This is certainly true for China and the United States. Before pursuing an online ESL teaching profession, you should understand that you will likely be teaching very early mornings or very late-night hours. I live on the East Coast, and my 6am EST is my student's 6pm BJT. I'm just waking up for the day, and my student is just getting home from a long day at school. So how might some people consider this a con?

Some teachers (namely the night owl folks), don't enjoy adjusting their sleep schedules, to wake up very early to teach. For students in China, the most popular times to book classes are from about 6pm-9:30pm BJT (6am-9:30am EST). While I book classes outside these hours as well, my 6am-9:30am is almost always booked soon after making those time-slots available.

If you hate mornings, and your body hates you for trying to wake it up, you may not love the popular morning schedule. Instead, you could choose a popular night schedule. There are lots of hours available from 9pm-11:30pm EST, for you night-oriented folks.

If you are a morning person, or if you think you are cool with changing your sleep schedule to earlier mornings, then really this isn't a con. The early bird catches the worm, or in this case, gets lots of students! I personally LOVE the early mornings. I've always been a night-owl, but I find that my body is adjusting well to the early hours, and most importantly, I'm getting way more done every day! Since teaching online, I no longer stay up all night, I go to bed at a normal hour, wake up, wrap up my classes before 10am, and I have the rest of the sunny day to enjoy (and I can teach again later at night, when I need the money). I'm actually getting my chores done these days, go figure! It's amazing what owning every hour of daylight can accomplish!

The pros of online teaching is that you can often make your own schedule. You can work early mornings, late nights, or both, as often or as little as you want. You could even teach all night if that's your style.

Another pro about these early mornings, or late nights is that you can still have a regular 9-5 workday outside the home, and clock your hours around that job. It really doesn't interrupt the rest of your life at all.

Whatever you choose, just know that the most important thing is to be an active teacher. The more consistently you make yourself available and show up to teach your classes on-time, the more you will build a reliable student base. The more regular students you have, the more money you make! Obvs.

In any case, the time difference and resulting early mornings/late nights is a con for some, but an awesome pro for others! I wouldn't let it scare you off from such a fun and rewarding experience.

I'm part of the early morning camp, and I love it!

I strongly believe you will too.

Have any questions about online teaching? Follow my social media links, and send your questions my way.

Until next time,

Teacher Gillian G


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