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DIY Cereal Box Aquarium on the Cheap

Updated: Oct 1, 2019

If you’re like me, you dream of being super motivated and healthy in the morning. I tell myself, “tomorrow morning is my day,” and then the alarm goes off in the AM, and I’m suddenly like “nah, tomorrow.” Reality is, I teach very early in the morning, and if I have to choose between sleeping in an extra 20 minutes, or cooking a healthy breakfast, sleep usually wins. Do I wish I could brag that I always make healthy choices? Sure, but let’s face it, many of us just want that extra sleep, before a long morning of classes. Enter the best invention ever, cereal.

No, this post is not actually about eating cereal, though I love cereal, and think that would be an entertaining post.

No, today’s post is about the magical things we can do with the nifty lil package our cereal comes in, the cereal box!

Most of us have these on hand, and if you're like me, you’ve got some old cereal boxes that have been in your cabinets, well after the cereal itself has expired. Don’t judge me, If it’s hidden behind a cabinet door, I often forget about it. You know you're guilty too ;p

So, what can we do with these cereal boxes? Make more props for our classes, of course!

In today’s post, we will DIY a cereal box aquarium, with supplies most of us have around the home.

What you’ll need:

-A cereal box




-Acrylic paint


The How To:

1) Cut the front panel off from the cereal box, like such:

2) You may either use the full-size cereal box for a larger aquarium, or cut it in half, to make two mini boxes. I chose to make a mini aquarium.

3) Using the front panel you initially removed from the cereal box, cut out a few sea creature shapes (your choice). I chose an octopus, and a couple of fish.

4) Paint your aquarium box. I created swirly effects of blue and white, to give a moving sea effect.

5) Paint your sea creatures, giving them big eyes, to draw attention to them. I painted my eyes, but you can also buy googly stick-on eyes, if that’s your style.

6) Cut several long strips of cardboard, and paint them ocean-realistic colors (of your choosing). Once they are dry, spiral them, and tape them to the base of your aquarium. These give a seaweed and coral effect.

7) The fun part, attach your sea creatures to string, and hang inside the aquarium box. You can also glue a fish or two to the back of the box, to create more dimension.

If you have some seashells at home, feel free to toss a few of those into the base as well, to create a sea floor effect.

Voila, a fun aquarium for those sea creature lessons!

Have fun crafting, and if you enjoyed this post, and aren’t already teaching online, check it out. Contact me via my many social media links scattered throughout this website, if you have any questions.

Teacher Gillian G


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